Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Turkey Day

I know it's been awhile since I posted....I've been very busy with important things like drinking and cavorting and pissing people off.

For anyone out there who is reading or who might care, I thought I would extend my best wishes for a day full of overeating, over-drinking and general merriment. Or perhaps your day will be like mine and will involve flying to a city you don't really care for to spend time with your in-laws who will undoubtedly look to you and your husband to distract them from their early retirement blues.

Right now I'm sitting in my office with nothing to do...damned economy...wearing a cashmere beret because our neighbors next door control our thermostat and they are also apparently polar bears. I feel slightly guilty about doing nothing, but not guilty enough to actually try to think of something productive to do. I only feel guilty enough to desperately want a drink. Perhaps in a later post I will explore the ways in which boredom, loneliness, guilt, excitement, congratulations, celebrations, television, movies and physical activity seem to make me want to drink, or perhaps not. For now, I'll just post a copy of something I found on the interwebs today.

For your enjoyment, with an eye towards the holidays.