Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Am I the only one?

Does all this talk about steroids and eight babies and domestic abuse among young Hollywood really surprise everyone but me?

I had experience with all these things when I was in High School. Are eight babies really that different than four, or conceiving them in an old uterus? Are we really SHOCKED that the most famous athlete in baseball, who has incredible amounts of pressure put on him all the time, resorted to taking supplements that guys in my high school used to take? And come on, we've all known (or been) that couple that gets drunk and yells at each other and then calls the cops, right?

Maybe I'm out of line, but it seems like a slow news week to me. If we would just learn to accept that adoption is an option, leave government out of major league sports and stop expecting rich 19 year olds to act differently than regular 19 year olds, maybe we could focus on the important things: that Lil Wayne was like totally ROBBED at the Grammy's. Whatever.

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